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A lot of one-way thinkers prematurely write off Shatta Wale fans as unreasonable ghetto boys and girls with mental problems. Some call us all sort of names such as madmen. These critics argue that Shatta fans are stooges who never see anything wrong with the King's barbarism and foolishness.

Ironically, these clueless caricatures never realize that the above unthoughtful descriptions are not insults to us; conversely, we regard them us complements.

Deriving my energy and motivation from these groundless identification of Shatta Movement fans, I present to our beloved enemies an epistle of thought-provoking justifications for our perpetual endorsement of the undisputed giant of Ghana Music Industry, aka Mr. Magical Champion.

First of all, it is very confusing that unappreciative Ghanaians can shamelessly describe wise followers of a highly successful musician as aimless. On the contrary, Shatta Wale fans are rather well-meaning and discerning fighters who refused to be tricked by people who hate the truth.

Shatta Wale will forever be my option because of his outspokenness. In an industry of dumb and mute musicians, The Champion has refused to kiss no ass. Wale is frank musical talent who refuses to be cheated upon. His open-minded character should be cherished by all and sundry. Apart from the factual adage that, "the truth hurts", why will a candid and sincere celebrity such as Shatta Wale face so much resistive forces in his attempt to correct a corrupt and downtrodden musical industry?

Shatta Wale is the revolutionist who commissioned the dancehall genre of music in Ghana. If you don't agree to this, please go for a medical check-up. Whether yes or no, Shatta Wale is the founder and originator of Ghanaian dancehall music, and maybe Africa at large. Haters unrightfully despise Shatta Wales tag line, ‘Dancehall King’.

Vex no more! Losers! It's true. Ha-ha! The other Ghanaian dancehall musicians are bundles of ungrateful copycats who are now consumed by pride. Fighting Shatta Wale is tantamount to biting the hand that feeds you. That is why all musicians who ever fought Shatta Wale have witnessed a career erosion. It's a simple commandment: Don't touch the untouchable.

In conclusion, SM fans are sending a word of caution to all Shatta Wale critics that they should leave us alone. Our loyalty to the Shatta Movement Empire is for life. No amount of bickering can deter us from pledging our allegiance to the Kingdom. The only good reason the other losers have for hating Shatta Wale is that he is smarter and better than them. No two ways about that! Case closed.

SM Soldiers, Comment Below If You Enjoyed This. More Shatta Articles Will Follow This.

Writer: Robert Abalungo (Bob Bright)

BSc. Physics, KNUST
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